Thursday, May 1, 2014



One of the worst and most common feelings a child or adult experiences is that of being ignored. Being ignored in general causes all types of social abnormalities. Everything from extreme annoying boldness to extreme shyness, becoming a loner or a hermit, bitterness, and the inability to make eye contact, are just a few symptoms, of a person that has been regularly ignored, because ..."a broken spirit drieth the bones." Proverbs 17:22 This hidden condition starts when children are fostered in a selfish, self centered environment, where adults are so consumed with themselves, no one else matters, but them.  

The deepest scars on the human soul, come from high moments when you were very excited about an
accomplishment and at the time of your great announcement, you were told to "be quiet, nobody cares". No one but you felt the dagger that pierced your heart, or noticed the look of hurt that consumed your moment of triumph. The scars on your spirit are so permanent that you can never be the first to raise your hand to volunteer for anything, or to be involved, or receive something, for fear the pain of being ignored, will be repeated. 

Heaven is very aware of the pain of this rejection, because "it's the spirit of a man that sustains him in his infirmity; but a person with a wounded spirit who cannot bear it." Proverbs 18:14 I want you to know that "My Father and I are near you that have a broken heart; and we will save those of you that have a contrite spirit." Psalm 34:18 KJV We have captured every moment of victory and excitement during your childhood and warn every adult to "Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven." Matthew 18:10 I want to give you a kingdom promise that "the sacrifices that Father sees are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, and I guarantee He will not despise them." Psalm 51:17 

If you want to live a life of a walking in the Spirit, start capturing the moments when a child runs to show you the prize they have just won! Praise them for trying hard, brag about them in front of others! This is the Holy Spirit in the everyday action of love and preventative soul maintenance. This single daily repeated act of love toward a child, will prevent millions of teen tragedies, addictions, and deaths, because love never fails when you capture their moment with it! 

So today rejoice with the teen who is rejoicing over an achievement, sharing their joy, and weep with the child who is weeping over a loss, build them up by sharing their grief." Romans 12:15 But what ever you do don't ignore them, offending these little ones has dire consequences! "It were better for you that a millstone were hanged about your neck, and be cast into the sea, than that you should offend one of these little ones." Luke 17:2

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