Sunday, May 4, 2014



I gave My church some apostles; and some prophets; and some evangelists; and some pastors and teachers;" but not a single thumb twiddler. Ephesians 4:11 There are over five million pastors in the western church, sitting in pews twiddling their thumbs, while their neighbors sit and wait for them, in darkness. You were told to "go into the highways, and as many as you shall find, lead them to Me and bid to the marriage supper of the lamb." Matthew 22:9 I never said, just invite them to a building, to sit in a pew along side you! 

You were given instructions to "go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," Matthew 28:19 AMP Most of you haven't gone down the street and invited them to your house, much less the nations! Because of the misconception of "church as a building", instead of a person, America lives in darkness, while the rest of the world is experiencing revival. 

You do not need a pulpit to preach the good news, a kitchen table or a coffee table will do fine. There is no need for a sound system or special lighting everyone will hear and see you clearly. Things were changed by mans traditions in the west. I started My church out by having them meet daily in the temple building, directed by apostles, and from there they went into every house under the direction of pastors and teachers, and they ceased not to teach and preach about Me." Acts 5:42 The prophets kept the church pure and the vision clear, and evangelist broke new ground and it was working perfectly, before mans traditions polluted it!

You want to talk about church growth, My pattern causes an explosion! With My pattern, they continued to grow daily daily, starting out in one accord in the temple, and then they broke bread from house to house, and did eat together with gladness and singleness of heart, [47] Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the I added to My church daily those that were ready to be saved." Acts 2:46-47 My Spirit was in charge of everything!

Many of the bench warming thumb twiddlers who I have given as gifts to build My church, ought to be teachers, but now you have a need that someone teach you the first principles of the oracles of God again, because you have sat and twiddled your thumbs so long, you have become such as have need of milk truth, and not of strong meat truth."  Hebrews 5:12 KJV Listen, before you reach this lukewarm state, move out of the pew and into the highways and homes of those sitting in darkness, that My house may be full! Many are called but few are chosen because the are content to sit in a pew and twiddle their thumbs! Break mans tradition today and become the church!

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