Tuesday, May 6, 2014



When I taught you to pray, I said to pray, "deliver us from evil", not sin. Your sin was dealt with at the cross and My blood washes it away. Evil is the foundation of the government of satan. Evil is a premeditated plan to cause hurt or loss to another. Sin is a transgression of My laws. With a simple confession and repentance your sin is removed as far as the east is from the west. Evil is not handled that way. Evil is in the future, when it has transpired it is gone. It is like a bomb being set to kill people, that's evil, but once it goes off, evil has completed it's work and is gone! 

A woman may fall into temptation and commit adultery with a married man, that's sin. But if the woman befriends his wife with the full intent of seducing the husband, that's evil. Confession and repentance are not possible in the case of evil, because everything is unknown, and you are the victim not the one committing the act. I am your only defense against evil, I see the plot way before it made. I know the heart that is setting the trap, and I am able to deliver you by foiling the plot before it happens. 

One of the classic methods of My Fathers deliverance is when "they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. And the king's wrath was pacified." Esther 7:10 KJV My Father is a delivering Father as He demonstrated with the Red Sea crossing. "The righteous cry, and My Father hears them, and delivers them out of all their troubles. [18] He is close to them that have a broken heart; and saves those that have a contrite spirit. [19] Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but He delivers them out of them all. [21] However He will make evil turn and slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate. [22] He always redeems the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in Him will ever be desolate." Psalm 34:17-19,21-22 KJV

Today there is an evil plot in place to trap you, and cause you great harm and loss. If you wish to be delivered, start praying the way I taught you. Do it before the bomb goes off! This is part of your inheritance, but you must activate it, with the request, "deliver me from evil today". You can never pray for deliverance after the evil plot is carried out, you can only ask Me to put back the pieces, and I will, but it's much easier to pray, deliver us from evil!

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