Monday, May 26, 2014



A runny nose is just a symptom of a bigger problem, and you can wipe it, until you rub it off your face and never touch the cause. Something in your system, is causing a reaction in your nasal passages to produce, an annoying and sometimes embarrassing runny nose. A spiritual runny nose, has many symptoms, the most common is conviction, producing a lack of joy, and spiritual energy. Other symptoms are; depression, hyper activity, sickness, addiction, and withdrawal. There are several methods of wiping a spiritual nose, which include, giving extra, increased volunteering, singing louder, weeping uncontrollably and even going to church. Believers grab religious Kleenex from every place they can, to stop the on going conviction. Just when you think it's gone, when you get alone, it starts dripping again!

If your spiritual body is suffering from some type of sin bacteria, it needs the spiritual antibiotic of repentance in order to clear the annoying conviction of My Spirit. The Sin of disobedience is the root cause of the conviction. It is human nature to attempt to remove the symptom, rather than the cause. A chain smoker, that always carries a breathalyzer to breathe better, is like a man who deliberately cuts himself, and carries an carton of bandaids! Conviction is a powerful kingdom force! I used it one day to turn back an angry mob, determine to kill a woman. "When I stooped down, and wrote their sins on the ground. [9] They were convicted by their own conscience, and left quietly one by one, beginning with the oldest one, even unto the last: and I was left alone with the woman standing in the midst." John 8:8-9 

Some people look at porn, tell a lie, or cheat, and then read their bible to rid themselves of the conviction and get their joy back, but the conviction keeps running, and the joy does not return. They talk like everything is fine, but the smile is faked to cover the pain of conviction! "Woe to you, pretenders (hypocrites)! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the plate, but within they are full of extortion (prey, spoil, plunder) and grasping self-indulgence." Matthew 23:25 
 One dose of repentance, will cure the problem, and the runny conviction will stop and real joy will return! When you change your mind, about disobeying, and simply stop sinning when conviction starts, you will live a happy life again!

"What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He came to the first and said, Son, go and work today in the vineyard. [29] And he answered, I will not; but afterward he changed his mind and went. [30] Then the man came to the second and said the same thing. And he replied, I will go, sir; and he did not go, but continued to wipe his spiritual nose. [31] Which of the two did the will of the father? The first one of course. Truly I tell you, the cheats and the hookers who repent will get into the kingdom of heaven before phony religious people who continue to wipe their nose and refuse to change their mind." Matthew 21:28-31 AMP

Take the antibiotic (repentance) and get your joy back, be sure to read the label at the bottom the part that says, go and sin no more! The moment you take the antibiotic, your spiritual runny nose will stop and your joy will return when I say,  Neither do I condemn thee: now go, and sin no more." John 8:11 

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