Saturday, May 3, 2014



You know who I am talking about, the ones they said the church roof would cave in, if they walked in! Maybe your one of them! Maybe your the one that bragged you could hold your liquor more that the best of them and be the last man standing in the whole bar! If that was really you, now that you are born again, I am calling on you to drink more of the living water than all the rest of the church, and remain standing stronger in faith than all your coworkers. "Whoever is man enough to take a drink of the water that I will give him shall never, no never, be thirsty any more. Because the water that I will give him will become a spring of water welling up (flowing, bubbling) continually within him unto (into, for) eternal life." John 4:14 AMP

How about you, the tough one they all said, he's nobody to fool with! The one that could make the biggest of them, back down with just the look that said, BACK OFF! Now that you have become a new creature, I want you to be the spiritual tough guy, forcing the devil to back off My kids, by becoming a father to the fatherless with a look of compassion, and a mother to the motherless with a tender look of love! Let Me see you "do justice to the weak (poor) and fatherless; and maintain the rights of the afflicted and needy. [4] I want you to start delivering the poor and needy; rescuing them out of the hand of the wicked." Psalm 82:3-4 AMP

And you that once bragged how all the women were crazy about you and the price you paid for them; have you got what it takes to boast about how much My Father and I love you, and what price I paid for you? Those lovers only lasted a night, if you were good to them. My love is eternal even when you were a miserable sinner!  What the women gave you, brought death, but "My Father loves you so much, that He gave Me, His only begotten Son, that if you believed in Me, you would not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 Don't you think thats worth bragging to the whole world about?

And then there's you 'once upon a time', big bad thieves! As a new creation, I need you to go take back everything the devil stole from you and your family, while you were out stealing from others. Take back your respect and honor with honesty and hard work, go get your trustworthiness back with faithfulness! And then demonstrate your new birth by "giving to every man that asks you for the necessities of life; and if someone takes away your goods, let them have them. [31] And whatever you would want men to do to you, do also to them." Luke 6:30-31

And I need you former addicts, that were stoned every day, and could never get high enough! Are you willing to get the greatest high from the Most High, and stay high all the time, and experience wonderful and eternal side effects? Side effects like, leading your family out of darkness, and bringing healing to your coworkers. Like turning your best friends life around, or giving an orphan a home and family. These are the side effects of a permanent kingdom high when you addicted to Me!

You that have murdered, sure you were under heavy guard, and everyone wrote you off, but your sin is no worse than the average church goer that hates his brother!  1 John 3:15 
I have forgiven you and given you eternal life. You can now demonstrate My power, by giving your life for others. "This is how they will perceive that you love Me , because you lay down your life for others like I did for you" 1 John 3:16 No matter how bad you were or people think you were, I want to remind everyone, that satan will never triumph over Me, "so wherever sin abounds, grace will much more abound:" Romans 5:20 

My shed blood has the power to transform, prostitutes into virgins, pimps into protectors, addicts into fanatics, bullies into care givers, killers into teddy bears and crime bosses into revivalists! Today I am calling all those that the church said, "he or she is too bad to come in here"! *** Here is a KINGDOM RULE that all would be wise to heed: Never make a judgment on who I can save and who I cannot save! "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion, and no one on earth has any say in the matter" Romans 9:15 To My Father and I, your not bad, your just waiting and ready to be transformed!

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