Monday, May 5, 2014



The kingdom of God is a spiritual trading post, bustling with daily trades! The church has many con artists, that wheel and deal in smooth talk, trying to pass off the phony in exchange for the genuine in return! Some of you are asking, "if I am in Christ then why are ALL the old things not passed away; and why haven't, ALL things become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17 It's that little word ALL, that's the problem! It's My ALL for you All, that's the trade! My ALL is making ALL things new in your life, but you are not trading evenly! Your ALL is thou shalt love the Lord thy God with ALL your heart, and with ALL thy soul, and with ALL thy mind, and with ALL thy strength: this is the first commandment." Mark 12:30 KJV

I trade My ALL for your ALL, even trade, or it's some of your heart for some of My things new! From time to time someone will truly take Me at My word, and love Father with their all, and they are quickly labeled a radical, or fanatical, and cautioned not to be taken too seriously. The majority of western Christians are spiritually unhappy but continue going through the motions to save face. When a person must be coaxed to talk to Me in prayer, and begged to read My word, and pushed to worship Me in Spirit and truth, there is no way they love Me with all their heart! A human has yet love Me with ALL their heart, and not been rewarded with an exciting life of triumph, over all obstacles. I am always a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me! Hebrews 11:6

Every human is a con man in some way, because everyone leaves out some of the bad parts and embellishes the good parts about whatever they are promoting, beginning with themselves. When you don't tell the whole truth, the actions of a con are in progress. It started with Adam, when he tried to con My Father into thinking it was all Eve's fault, Eve tried to Con Him into thinking it was the serpents fault. They were not aware that Truth can never be conned. You can never have heavens all, as long as your all is not surrendered.

Once you trade your original sin for My salvation, your daily trading begins. Each time My Holy Spirit points out something that cannot be brought into the kingdom life, He will say, I will TRADE YOU! Your junk, for My goodness! The longer you put off the trade, the longer it takes to advance into the fullness of life in the Spirit! The hardest thing a human has to trade is their personal opinion. Opinions are based on life experiences and there are 7 billion of them on the planet. All combined they have zero value. The Holy Spirit operates in truth and is continually offering a trade, your opinion for My Truth and the real truth about you. "I am a Spirit: and they that worship Me must worship Me in spirit and in truth." John 4:24 KJV

Yes you are saved when you trade your original sin for My blood, but the natural man habits must be mortified, by you  traded  one by one, to have My power to live an overcoming life! When you have traded ALL your personal opinions about yourself, your family, your friends your habits, your doctrines, in exchange for ALL My truth, and allowed My Spirit to lead you into ALL truth, you will not be shaken in the day that I shake all things that can be shaken!  "Once more I  will shake not the earth only, but also heaven. [27] And this word signifies the removing of those things in your life that are shaken, as things that are man's opinions, that those things which are of My truth, and cannot be shaken may remain." Hebrews 12:26-27 

 "When men's hearts are failing them for fear, as they look at the things which are coming on the earth: for even the powers of heaven will be shaken" Luke 21:26 you will be standing strong in My truth which can never be shaken! Let's start trading again, today! How about that opinion you have of your boss? I'll trade you My love for him, for your resentment! Deal or no deal?

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